Reset Habits To Help You Thrive
03 Jan | Read Online | | | Hey there, my wonderful American Centrist friends! I hope this morning finds you all feeling as fabulous as you look. If you're feeling a little bit drained from the week, don't worry - we'll get through this together. |  | Newsletter Partner |
| | Joke of the Day: Why did the photo go to jail? | | Because it was framed. |
| | | Do you feel that Biden's 2020 victory was legitimate? | | | | | | | | | Budget Reset Habits To Help You Thrive | Sheiresa McRae Ngo, GoBankingRates. As we embark on a new year, it's an ideal time to reassess your financial strategies. Ramsey Show host Rachel Cruze highlights five key budget reset habits that will help guide you toward financial success in 2024. Whether you're a seasoned budgeter or just starting to take control of your finances, these practical tips are small steps that can lead to significant improvements in the long run. |
| Piere focused on intuitive budgeting: When designing an intelligent budget-tracking app, Piere prioritized functionality, integrations, and the evolving needs of Gen-Z. | | | | | | | | Get In The Inbox of 100K+ American Centrist Readers | Advertise with American Centrist to get your brand in front of thousands of unbiased Americans who are always looking for their next interesting product. | | Why American Centrist? The #1 No Spin News Media! American Centrism is a political ideology that aims to find common ground between the left and the right. It's like ordering a pizza with toppings that everyone can agree on - except pineapple, because we all know that's just wrong. | Help Share American Centrist | Wouldn't the world be a better place if more people read fact-focused, unbiased news? Take a minute to share this digest with your friends–they'll thank you for it! | | Send us your feedback at and help us stay as the #1 no spin newsletter. We're ready to listen. |
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