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It's *NOT* your fault


If you get distracted daily … it's not your fault.

If you feel the urge to check your phone every other minute … it's not your fault.

And if you…

If you have ADHD (diagnosed or undiagnosed) … it's certainly not your fault.

it's not your fault because …

  • Big corporations *crave* our attention.
  • Social media feed us the next notification or 6-second video.
  • Fast fashion wants us to move on to their next disposable thing.
  • And blogs want us to click the next article with sensational 'headlies'. (yeah, typo intended)

It's how our economy works.

It wants us distracted!

And that's not your fault.

Because we can't change how the economy works.

What can we do? I shared it yesterday  in this short article.

I'll end with this:

What's done is done.
You've done the best you could with what you had.
And tomorrow's a brighter day.

I believe in you.

Thanks for coming to my inspirational TED Talk!

If you've read up to this point …

Check THIS out - I promise it's really interesting!

But if my tease is not intriguing enough for you to click … It's not your fault either! It's on me.

I'll try again tomorrow with another email :)

Muuuuush Love,
Founder of Everyday Dose 

PS. This email is a part of "ADHD & Stronger Focus Week" - hope you're enjoying it so far!

PPS. Tomorrow's email is probably the best one. You know what to do …


















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