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The spotted lantern fly has dominated public attention in the U.S., with government agencies mobilizing campaigns to stamp out the bugs. But a different pest is killing trees and confounding scientists, and it's received little attention: nematodes. |  | nbcnews.com/news/forget-la… Forget the lantern fly. A mysterious new pest has scientists sounding the alarm. A parasitic worm that attacks beech trees is wreaking havoc on forests from Maine to Virginia. |
| | Aug 6, 2023 | |  | | 17 Likes 4 Retweets 5 Replies |
| Nutrition Corner | What to know about amaranth: Amaranth is a plant that produces edible starchy seeds that look similar to grains. The seeds resemble quinoa and are popular for their fiber and protein content. | The #1 Breakfast for Gut Health, Recommended by Gut Experts: Boosting gut health also means boosting immune and brain health. This gut health-friendly breakfast is easy to prepare, rich in plant foods and versatile. | | Recipe for The Day | Grilled sirloin steak kabobs with garlic rosemary butter: This balanced and flavorful dish is filled with nutrients and captures the essence of summer grilling. | | | Lifestyle & Fitness Focus | Seven Ways To Intensify Your Walking Workout | Be mindful of your form: Engage your entire body as you take every step while making sure you move your arms during the workout as well. Bring your elbows back, and bump up your heart rate to bring your walk results to the next level. Use the weather to your benefit: If you live in a particularly windy area, you know that nothing beats nature's pushback to power up that walk. Wear those sunglasses to keep your eyes protected, but pushing against the wind will be just like turning plain old lemons into lemonade! Take advantage of hills: Climbing hills will engage your entire body and boost your flexibility. Inclines will also help stretch your muscles, providing a similar benefit to jogging or running, without the quicker speed. Be mindful of maintaining good posture to avoid adding pressure to your lower back. Step it up—literally: No hills? No problem! Stairs are another excellent addition to your walking workout. There are usually handrails you can use for balance or extra safety, if necessary. It's always a great idea to include as many steps as possible located along your route for added goodness. Add some weights: Whether you strap on a set of ankle weights, carry lightweight dumbbells, or wear a rucksack during your walk, carrying some extra pounds is an easy way to build strength along your path. Work some rhythm into your steps: Something as simple as cranking up the tunes will be so helpful in keeping your stride fun. Plus, it will pass the time pretty quickly! Create a playlist you love, and it will motivate you to get moving. Buddy it up: If you want to make these changes to your routine more fun and less of a struggle, recruit a friend or partner to be your walking buddy! Not only will it be some solid catch-up time, but you will also hold each other accountable to stay on track.
| Five Top Tips For A Healthier You, A Healthier Family, A Healthier Planet, And Even A Healthier Bank Balance | Me-Sized Meals: Look at your fist in comparison with your child's fists and see how much smaller they are. When you're working out how much to give them, bear in mind that their tummies are this much smaller too! Grab the Tin Opener! - Tinned fruit and veg can be just as good as fresh and 80g counts as 1 of your 5 a day. A standard tin is around 400g so just a quarter of a tin will easily give you one portion. Stay Hydrated - Believe it or not, we are made up of 60% water and it is essential we stay hydrated. We should aim to be having 6-8 glasses of water every day. Swap White for Brown – Wholemeal foods are high in fibre which can significantly improve your digestive health, and reduce your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity. Love Food Hate Waste - As a nation we waste more food than we think. Reducing food waste is good for the planet, as it helps slow down global warming. By using up every edible bit of your food, you're doing your bit to look after the environment.
| 5 Tips For Exercising Safely in Summer Heat | Avoid working out during the day: Plan to work out during the cooler parts of the day, either in the early morning or later in the evening, to avoid the strong sun. Take regular breaks: Instead of prolonged workouts, divide your exercise into shorter segments and take breaks. This approach is gentler on your body and reduces the risk of heat-related issues. Wear the right clothing: Avoid wearing dark clothing when working out, as it will absorb more sunlight. Instead, opt for lighter colors. Don't forget to apply sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Stay hydrated: Hydration is key during summer workouts. Drink water before, during and after exercise. For longer workout sessions, consider sports drinks, as they replenish your sodium levels. Listen to your body: Pay attention to your body's signals while working out. If you ever feel nauseous or faint, stop immediately and move to a cooler area. Rest and rehydrate until you feel better.
| | 4 Moves to Hit Your Back, Legs, and Butt | Complete each exercise for your chosen work/rest interval: 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest 40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest 50 seconds work, 10 seconds rest After all of your exercises are done, rest for up to 60 seconds. That's 1 round. Complete 3–5 rounds. | Bodyweight Squat: Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, hands at your sides. Engage your core and keep your chest lifted and back flat as you shift your weight into your heels. Push your hips back and bend your knees to lower into a squat as you extend your arms forward. Drive through your heels to stand and squeeze your glutes at the top. This is 1 rep. Bicycle Crunch: Lie faceup with your legs in tabletop position. Place your hands behind your head, elbows bent and pointing out to the sides. Use your abs to curl your shoulders off the floor. This is the starting position. Twist to bring your right elbow to your left knee while simultaneously straightening your right leg. Then twist to bring your left elbow to your right knee while simultaneously straightening your left leg. This is 1 rep. Continue alternating sides for your work interval. Go at a slow and steady pace so that you can really twist and feel your abs working. Modified Plank Bodyweight Row: Start in a high plank with your palms flat on the floor, hands shoulder-width apart, shoulders stacked directly above your wrists, legs extended behind you, and your core and glutes engaged. Drop to your knees. From this position, perform a bodyweight row. Raise your right palm off the floor, drawing it toward the side of your chest, keeping your elbow hugged close to your body. Think about your triceps facing the ceiling. Lower your right hand back to the floor. Repeat on the other side. Continue to alternate sides, keeping the rest of your body as still as possible. Goblet Squat: Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, toes slightly turned out, holding a dumbbell with both hands in front of you so it hangs vertically. Engage your core and keep your chest lifted and back flat as you shift your weight into your heels, push your hips back, and bend your knees to lower into a squat. Drive through your heels to stand and squeeze your glutes at the top. This is 1 rep.
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